Dental Crowns
The Way To Cap-off A Beautiful Smile
Crowns, sometimes known as caps, are similar to ceramic veneers but are like a thimble helmet that covers the whole tooth and not only strengthens it but can also change the shape and colour.
They may be placed on teeth that still have their nerve or ones that have had root canal treatment and so have no nerve. Crowns may be made of various materials such as ceramic, metal or porcelain over a metal base. This will depend on the condition of the tooth, position in the mouth and need for strength.
Receiving a dental crown will often involve two appointment visits to Pomare Dental Grouo located in Haberfield and Leichhardt.
Firstly your tooth will be prepared and a digital impression or scan will be taken. A temporary crown may be placed while your permanent crown is being crafted in a dental laboratory where it’s also colour matched to your other teeth, or a new whiter colour created.
At your second appointment your temporary crown, if one was used, is replaced by your permanent crown. It is checked for fit and comfort before being permanently secured, restoring your smile and bite.