Leichhardt Root Canal Treatment

You Really Can Lay Back And Relax

Although Root Canal Therapy (RCT) is a procedure that makes many people feel uneasy, at Pomare Dental Group: Leichhardt, it is a restorative treatment that can be completed in relaxed comfort.

Root Canal Therapy involves the removal of a diseased or injured nerve from inside the tooth. It is done to save a tooth that without treatment may otherwise need to be removed.

With the many pain relief options available it is not a painful procedure, but requires detailed and precise work and therefore is usually carried out over several appointments. It is also necessary to take x-rays during the treatment.

Once you are comfortable, a rubber sheet – called a dam – is placed around your tooth. This will protect surrounding teeth and prevent infection.

Using very fine instruments, the diseased or damaged nerve is removed and the tooth root chamber is cleaned. It is then filled with a biocompatible rubber compound for additional strength.

Often much of the tooth surface needs to be removed, therefore your tooth may require a crown at the completion of the RCT to restore strength, appearance and function.

A New Twist | Root Canal Treatments With Rotary Drills

Cleaning the dead infected nerve from inside the root, allowing your tooth to be saved, has traditionally been done using very small files, operated by the dentists hand, inside the root. Advances in technology now allow this to be done using titanium highly flexible files attached to a drill. Research has shown this to improve the effectiveness of the removal of the dead tissue from the root canal, increasing the expected outcome and success of root canal treatments.

Pomare Dental Group: Leichhardt have invested in this equipment and is trained in its use, regularly attending training seminars to keep up to date with this technology.

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