
Giving You Back Your Smile

Dentures are removable appliances to replace missing teeth. At Leichhardt Dental – Pomare Dental Group and Haberfield Dental – Pomare Dental Group we provide partial dentures, for replacing one or a few teeth, or full dentures replacing all teeth.

Full dentures are usually made of acrylic and were common in days gone by. Although still used by many, they are now often combined with implant techniques, helping to secure them in place reliably.

Partial dentures can also be made of acrylic, but are often combined with other materials such as chrome cobalt metal or gold. They often have metal clips, or ‘clasps’, on remaining teeth to help secure them in the mouth. Modern materials and techniques have seen advancements in partial dentures, so now many do not need metal clasps, but will have tooth or gum coloured ones, so making them a more aesthetic option to replace missing teeth.

Many people do not like the idea of having a denture as it conjures up images of teeth by the bedside in the glass! Whilst none of us love that idea, a well constructed denture can be a very economical and comfortable way to replace teeth. They may also be useful to help maintain function and appearance while a patient saves up for a more desirable, or expensive, treatment option.

Dentures restore function, enabling you to eat normally, speak clearly and feel confident about your smile. They also provide support for your cheeks and lips, and most people usually adapt quickly to well fitting dentures.

To ensure you receive the best possible fit for your dentures, an impression mould of your natural remaining teeth as well as your gum line is taken. From these impressions your dentures are custom-made and will usually take around four weeks to craft.

Over time the contour of your gums can change, so it’s important to visit Leichhardt Dental – Pomare Dental Group and Haberfield Dental – Pomare Dental Group regularly to ensure your dentures still fit securely and you maintain good oral health.

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